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  • Google Workspace

    Successful digital transformation for B2B companies with Google Workspace - expert advice and customized solutions.

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Google Workspace

In today's business world, digital transformation is essential to remain competitive. The ability to seamlessly collaborate and share information is critical to a company's success. Google Workspace is a powerful cloud solution that helps B2B companies with their digital transformation. Our digital agency offers customized consulting and service offerings for the implementation of Google Workspace to increase your company's productivity and efficiency. This landing page gives you an initial overview of Google Workspace and how our expertise can help you successfully leverage this platform.

  • Consulting and strategy development

We work closely with your organization to identify your specific requirements and develop a customized strategy for implementing Google Workspace. We take into account both your business goals and the individual needs of your employees.

  • Implementation and integration

Our experienced experts support you in implementing Google Workspace in your company. We ensure that all relevant systems and applications are seamlessly integrated into the cloud solution to provide you with the greatest possible benefit.

  • Training and support

We provide comprehensive training for your employees to ensure they can make the most of all Google Workspace features. In addition, we are available to provide support and answer questions after implementation.

  • Privacy and security

When implementing Google Workspace, we place special emphasis on protecting your data and complying with applicable data protection laws. Our experts advise you on security measures and ensure that your company meets all legal requirements.

  • Collaboration:

Google Workspace enables your team to work on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real time. At the same time, you can communicate with each other via the integrated communication platform Google Chat and Google Meet.

  • Efficiency

The cloud-based solution allows your employees to access their files from anywhere while using the latest versions of all documents. This makes work more efficient and flexible, both in the office and in the home office.

  • Scalability

Google Workspace grows with your business. You can add or remove new users at any time and adjust the performance of the cloud solution to meet your current needs.

  • Security

Google Workspace offers advanced security features like two-factor authentication, encryption, and comprehensive access controls. So your data is protected at all times.

  • Integration

Google Workspace integrates easily with your existing IT