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  • Django CMS

    In addition to the basic functions known from other CMS, Django convinces with its front-end processing

    This way!

Django CMS

In addition to the basic functions known from other CMS, Django convinces with its front-end editing, i.e. the possibility to edit websites directly in their original view. Furthermore, the created websites are also automatically responsive, i.e. optimized in the view for different digital end devices.

B2B Enterprise: Discover the benefits of Django and Django CMS for your Digital Transformation

In today's digital era, businesses rely on continuously evolving to stay competitive. As a digital agency and consulting firm, we help B2B companies with their digital transformation by implementing Django and Django CMS. In this landing page, we give you a first overview of Django as a CMS solution and present our competencies and services to guide you on your path to digital excellence.

Django is a state-of-the-art, open-source web framework based on Python that enables developers to quickly and efficiently build powerful web applications. Django CMS is a content management system (CMS) built on Django and is known for its user-friendly, modular and flexible architecture. It provides businesses with a reliable, scalable and adaptable solution for managing their online presence.

Some of the key benefits of Django and Django CMS are:

  • Fast Development

Django allows developers to write the code for their web applications quickly and efficiently, thanks to its "batteries included" philosophy and reusable code building blocks.

  • Security

Django places a strong emphasis on security and helps organizations protect their web applications against common security risks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

  • Scalability

Django and Django CMS are highly scalable solutions that allow enterprises to easily adapt their web applications to increasing user numbers and requirements.

As digital transformation experts, we offer B2B companies a wide range of services tailored to the implementation of Django and Django CMS. Our core competencies include:

  • Strategic consulting:

We analyze your existing web presence and IT infrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and develop a customized strategy for implementing Django and Django CMS in your organization.

  • Webdesign and development

Our team of experienced web designers and developers create engaging, user-friendly, and responsive websites based on Django and Django CMS to meet your unique needs.

  • Integration

We seamlessly integrate Django and Django CMS with your existing IT landscape, including CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, marketing automation tools, and other relevant applications.

  • Training and Support

We provide comprehensive training for your staff to familiarize them with the features and capabilities of Django and Django CMS. Our support team is available to address technical issues and ensure that your web applications run smoothly.

  • Maintenance and Further development

We take care of the regular maintenance of your Django and Django CMS-based web applications and support you in the continuous development of your digital presence to meet the changing demands of the market.

B2B companies face unique challenges in the digital world, such as the need to present complex products and services online, manage sales efficiently, and build long-term customer relationships. Django and Django CMS offer a variety of benefits for B2B companies, including:

  • Flexibility

The modular architecture of Django and Django CMS allows B2B companies to flexibly and customize their web applications to meet their specific needs.

  • Efficiency

With Django and Django CMS, B2B companies can streamline their internal processes by, for example, centralizing the management of product information, marketing materials and customer data.

  • Adaptability

The scalability of Django and Django CMS allows B2B companies to adapt their web applications over time as their business grows and their customers' needs change.

  • Integration

Django and Django CMS integrate seamlessly with other systems and applications, allowing B2B companies to effectively connect and synergize their entire IT landscape.

  • Security

The high security standards of Django and Django CMS provide B2B companies with the protection they need to securely manage confidential business data and customer information.

  • Industry knowledge

We understand the challenges and requirements of B2B companies and can develop targeted solutions to optimize your digital processes.

  • Experience

Our team of experienced web designers, developers and online marketing experts has implemented numerous successful Drupal projects for B2B companies.

  • Quality

We place great emphasis on quality and ensure that your Drupal website is not only visually appealing, but also technically flawless and future-proof.

  • Customer orientation

We work closely with you and put your individual needs and business goals at the center of our work to develop the best possible solution for your company.

  • Support

Our dedicated support team is always available to answer questions, resolve issues, and ensure that your Drupal website is always running optimally.

In an increasingly connected and digital world, it is essential for B2B companies to use powerful, flexible and secure web applications to be successful. As a digital agency and consulting firm, we are committed to guiding you through your digital transformation and introducing you to the benefits of Django and Django CMS. With our comprehensive skills and services, we can help you take your web presence to a new level and achieve your business goals.